At Wiscon, I overheard a number of conversations about The Marq’ssan Cycle, so I decided to pick up the first book. Ian noticed me buying Alanya to Alanya and simply said, “You should get them all.” Me, I grow bored with books very easily and wanted to sample one before committing to the others. But I think that hearing good things about them from people like Ian and futuransky should have been a clue.
I read the first chapter in June, liked it immediately, but let the book languish on my nightstand for a few months — I read a few eBooks in the interim. This morning, I finally finished Alanya to Alanya and I’m thinking about the fact that I’m not likely to get the next one in the series until Wiscon rolls around again. Hm. I just noticed that I can buy the eBook from Aqueduct. That doesn’t seem like a bad idea.