Archive for BC Holmes

Thought for the Day

Before Capaldi was revealed, Moffat turned a brief talking-head appearance into a case study in time-efficient crassness, as he rebuked the increasing calls for the eponymous Time Lord to become a Time Lady by saying, “I like that Helen Mirren has been saying that the next Doctor should be played by a woman. I would like to go on record that the Queen should be played by a man.”

— Racialicious, “Doctor Who Moves Backwards In Time”

Um. Many men have played British Queens.

Holmes, Inc Pages

I’ve been waffling about posting my final pages. The editor-types don’t want me to post all pages (’cause, hey, people should get the book if they want to see all the pages). But here are a couple.

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William Carlos Williams, Les Mis, and Vogon Poetry

Life has killed
the dream
I kept
in my icebox

and I was saving
for after the tigers come:
probably at night

Now life says, “forgive me,
but your tears are delicious:
so sweet
and so cold.”

I do not think it means what you think it means

So, do you think that Card’s call for “tolerance” is laying the foundation to get all petulant when his movie is boycotted? (“See! I was willing to put the past behind us… it’s them!”)

Thought for the Day

Because being an asshole is not an opinion, it’s just being an asshole.

— Mary Robinette Kowal

The UnDoctor

Several years ago, I made a reference on my blog to the Judith Merril addenda to the old TVOntario broadcasts of Doctor Who. At the time, Orange Mike asked me if they were available anywhere, and a quick Google search turned up nothing. I recently found a few of the UnDoctor segments on YouTube. I haven’t seen these in ages!
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I got the thumbs up on my layouts on Wednesday. I’m supposed to move on to the next stage (“construction”), to be followed by pencils and then, finally, inks. To be honest, I’m not quite sure I know what the difference between “construction” and “pencils” really is.

Here are my layouts; I warn you that they’re really sketchy:

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Queer Eye for the Holmes Inc Guy

I heard, once, that the cast of the TV show, Bewitched used to actively conspire to put queer subtext and themes into the show. I don’t know why that story has always stuck in my mind; mostly I just like subverting heteronormativity in media.

The other night, the Holmes, Inc. class did more pitches. People who are solely-writers have basically finished their major deliverables, and have some time to kill, so they’re being given a new task. Each of them gets to write up a one-page text item (such as, for example, a diary entry) about a member of Holmes, Inc. There are seven solely-writers, and seven main characters in Holmes, Inc., so if each writer tackles one character, everyone gets a moment to shine. And last night was the night the writers pitched their ideas of what they’d write about. Me, I’m not a solely-writer (I’m a writer-artist! Go me!), so I don’t take part in this.

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Layout Homework

One of the things that I did last night was my layouts for my “Penciling the Page” class (which used to be called “Layout for Comics”). The class is primarily about how to assemble a script into a visually interesting comic page. We’d just finished a class about different panel “tricks” that can make your page interesting.

Our homework assignment, then, was to create a page that used 7 of those tricks. As for story, the requirement was that this be a 2-page story, as follows:

  • Page 1: a pair of characters are trapped inside somewhere.
  • Page 2: using a prop discovered in the environment, they escape.

Here are my thumbnails.

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A Moment from WisCon

I was sitting down, getting ready to start my first panel of the weekend, when the panelist beside me asked, “Are we crazy about using microphones, or can everyone hear me?” I quickly asserted, “We’re crazy about using microphones.”

And immediately after that, I thought: Damn. She tricked me into saying ‘crazy.’

This thing about ablist language is tricksy sometimes.